In The Unlikely Event...

Once only about air travel, now anything goes.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Unexpected Common Sense

I was at in an airport security line recently and saw the most amazing thing... A TSA employee making a rational decision! The lady in front of me had a bottle of hand lotion that was over 3 ounces. The contents left were probably under, but it also wasn't in a bag. The TSA employee eventually just put it in the bin, sent it through the XRAY machine that can't tell what it is and let her go on her way. Obviously security wasn't compromised. It is an unlikely event to see TSA make a common sense decision!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

You are SOOOO Safe

I spaced and sent a 1 oz bottle of shampoo through the x-ray machine at SeaTac without (gasp) putting it into a plastic bag. The TSA person opened my bag, removed the bottle of shampoo and asked it I had a plastic bag. I did and promptly put the weapon of mass destruction into the plastic bag where it was magically transformed into ordinary shampoo. I was then allowed to bring the shampoo on to the aircraft. God only knows how much peril all of the passengers would have been in if I had removed the shampoo from it's bomb-proof plastic baggy. OH MY GOD, how could TSA let me carry a device such as SHAMPOO onto an airplane? Just to test the theory that 1 oz of shampoo must be in a plastic baggy to be safe I pulled it out at 30,000 feet. Immediately out MD-80 went into a dive - nose pointed directly at the pointy Rocky Mountains below. At about 5,000 feet I placed the shampoo back into its protective plastic baggy and the pilot was able to wrestle the aircraft from its perilous decent, narrowly missing a cub scout troop hiking in the mountains. Yeah, right.

Folks, US and England have security theatre. It's all a show to make the most ignorant citizens think their elected officials are actually doing something other than running up aviation costs and inconveniencing passengers. Our governments are the terrorist's payload. They are little puppets being skillfully manipulated by the terrorists. There is no war on terror - the fighting a war on terror card is too useful to politicians to try to end it, so they amplify it. is a really funny game. The site is probably infected as it launches pop-ups for free smileys, so don't go there without using sandboxie (www.sandboxie) or a VM (even if you are running Firefox). Actually I don't know if the pop-up ads are ok or not, but Bruce Schnier linked to the games, so it's his reputation, not mine... I warned you :)

Speaking of Bruce, I sometimes take exception with some of thing conclusions he draws, but he is dead on target with his assessment of terror. should be required reading in schools, churches, knitting clubs, Elk and Moose Lodges, Military Academies, and most other places. Perhaps I should have it printed on aluminum so TSA can read it on the way through the scanners.

Oh well, enough for this post. Security screening is an unlikely event at the airport, but wasting time in a line titled "security" is up there with death and taxes.